

The company engages in several activities, among them, Baseline Survey; Feasibility Studies; Project Review & Evaluation; Environmental and Social Impact Assessment; and Environmental Audit. In addition, iDEA conducts scientific research in areas of Ecology, Pastoralism, Ecosystems and Livelihoods Resilience, and Socio-Economics.


iDEA recognizes that whereas all the sectors are affected by the contemporary change dynamics, the dryland ecosystems are more vulnerable due to the inherent climate variability and lack of capacity to adapt to the rapid changes, owing to loss their internal mechanisms for coping with otherwise such  stresses. We therefore have special interest and focus in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs), specifically on dryland natural resource management and pastoral livelihoods. As testified from the previous activities conducted, IDEA is a multi-disciplinary outfit, quite versatile and dynamic with a good regional reach.